Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ferrari Enzo on the Road in HD! [starttext] Bookmark and ShareA little while ago I visited a nice event called 'De Achterhoek Rally', which was located in The Netherlands. Although there was heavy rain falling, some insanely rare cars showed up, for example this Ferrari Enzo, but also the Ferrari 599 GTO, which belongs to the same owner as the Ferrari Enzo in this video. My dad and I decided to wait until the Enzo would leave and then follow it for some time, so we did. It was a very special feeling to drive in a Lamborghini Gallardo behind something which attracts even more attention by its appearance, it must have been an awesome sight, seeing first an Enzo followed by an orange bull haha! I hope you enjoy the footage, and sorry for the shaky filming and the blurry view now and then, the lens became a little wet as a consequence of the rain and there was quite a lot of wind.

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