Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kuerazo BRAZIL BATUCADA and SAMBA BQ! [starttext]The dance group KUERAZO performing at the 2009 Latin Extravaganza, Perth, Western Australia.


A visit to PETRA (Jordan)! [starttext]Petra (from πέτρα "petra", rock in Greek; Arabic: البتراء, Al-Butrā) is an archaeological site in Jordan, lying in a basin among the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah (Wadi Araba), the large valley running from the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. It is famous for having many stone structures carved into the rock. The long-hidden site was revealed to the Western world by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt in 1812. It was famously described as "a rose-red city half as old as time" in a Newdigate prize-winning sonnet by John William Burgon. Burgon had not actually visited Petra, which remained accessible only to Europeans accompanied by local guides with armed escorts, until after World War I.

The Catacombs of Paris! [starttext]Breathtaking video of the underground Catacombs of Paris. filmed in 1998, by Brian Keeley.

Beim grossen Brand von Rom im Jahre 64 nach Christus wurde auch diese Gegend komplett verwuestet. Auf den Resten der zerstoerten Gebaeude, der ersten Schicht, entstand ein grosszuegiges Privathaus, das spaeter in eine Kirche umgebaut wurde. 1084 pluenderten die Normannen Rom und zerstoerten dabei auch dieses erste Gotteshaus. Auf seinen Fundamenten, der zweiten Schicht, liess der amtierende Papst eine neue Kirche errichten. Sie wurde etwas kleiner als der alte Bau. Diese zweite Kirche besuchen wir heute. Sie ist sehenswert.
Betrachten wir die drei Schichten. Ganz oben das jetzige Gebaeude. In der Schicht darunter die Ueberreste der ersten Kirche. Im jetzigen Gotteshaus sind die Boegen der ersten Kirche zu sehen. Wir nehmen den Abgang im noerdlichen Seitenschiff zur Unterkirche. Dort befindet sich das Fresko von Christus in der Vorhoelle.
Es geht noch eine Schicht tiefer zu den Fragmenten des antiken Wohnhauses. Ganz am Ende der Katakomben befindet sich das Mithrasheiligtum, ein Relikt aus der vorchristlichen Zeit.


Grass dancer in Banjul, The Gambia! [starttext]This short video clip was taken on the morning of 29 March 2008 after Holland America Line's Prinsendam docked at Banjul, The Gambia.

Exploring Algeria - Tamanrasset and Tassili Hoggar!

The Tassili Hoggar region is located to the south east of Tamanrasset in Algeria and is almost the heart of the Sahara Desert. This is a superb area for trekking and for exploration. Camels, colourful Tuareg nomads, ancient petroglyphs (cave art), gheltas (natural water holes), dunes and forests of rocky towers and pinnacles all contribute to a stunning trip which we follow in this video. EWP 2010.

Carnival Triumph departing New Orleans on Dec. 26, 2009! [starttext]Carnival Triumph departing New Orleans, LA at night. Watch how maneuverable such a BIG ship is at low speed on the Mississippi River. A pretty amazing site if you've never see it.


A Drive in Post-Katrina N.O. 2: Lower 9th Ward, Jan '06! [starttext] Amazing footage of a drive in post-Katrina New Orleans: The Lower 9th Ward on January 2006!


Conversing Across the Border with Sign Language! [starttext]This was part of the Signing Through event on March 28th where people made friends across the enforcement divide using binoculars and a Sign Language interpreter. These were a couple of the exchanges. Arielle is from Hawaii and is studying at USD and Rolando is from Playas de Tijuana, Mexico. He works at a restaurant and is part of the deaf community. Sign Through II on June 6th! See


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