Saturday, March 3, 2018

What it's like to be an Uber driver and how much you can really make!

Uber says: "When you want to make money, just open the app and you’ll start to receive trip requests. You’ll get information about your rider and directions to their location and destination. When the trip is over, you’ll receive another nearby request. And if you're ready to get off the road, you can sign off at any time."

Well, that's all and good, but let's find out what it's really like:

If you didn't know, pulling the following kind of move is somewhat common, people think they can get away with screwing over the driver by cancelling their trip mid ride so they don't have to pay, but the driver often notices, to the misfortune of our little opportunist:
How much money I make a week as an Uber driver in Atlanta, Georgia. I drive on the UberX and UberXL platform:

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